May 2020 Astro Poetica Tarot Poems by Christine Aprile

We might get a bit of a break this month from the serious mood of 2020, but with Venus squaring Neptune for the first week of May, we might need to watch out for wishful thinking and premature celebrations. In other words, it’s going to be tempting to try to get back to “normal,” and Neptune really wants to believe that everything is fine, but don’t put on the rose colored glasses just yet. The full moon in Scorpio on the 7th will intensify our emotions and deeper psychological territories. Process and release your shadows for best results.

The second week of May is jam packed with the beginning of several retrogrades, including the Saturn retrograde in Aquarius beginning around the 12th, Venus retrograde in Gemini on the 14th, followed by Jupiter turning retrograde in Capricorn on the 15th. This isn’t the best energy for breaking ground and getting serious about work and relationships, but it does allow us a little wiggle room to reevaluate both. Gemini energy intensifies as the Sun moves in the sign of the twins of the 20th, followed by the new moon in Gemini on the 22nd, making it a wonderful time to refocus our energy on learning and communication.



You are more than your reactions, Aries. You are a powerful spirit encased within flesh, so use your corporeal form wisely and don’t let primal instinct overcome you. This is a month to harness the fire and put it to use for your own personal alchemy.


9 of Swords

Sometimes life is indeed unfair, and we must find a way to deal with sorrow lest we be swallowed by it. Give yourself time to process and be sure to get adequate sleep this month. Change is inevitable, so move towards acceptance and try to see the twists and turns as an invitation to explore new realities.


The Star

Birth is often the result of a painful experience, and you may currently be emerging from darkness and into a beautiful new world. Embrace the renewal and tap into the intangible power of nature. Let yourself be light and let the flow of events guide you towards the dawn.


6 of Swords

You are not alone. Don’t be afraid to reach out to those you love, and don’t fear showing your vulnerability. We are all interconnected, so if you need a helping hand, trust that you’ll be able to repay the favor in the future.


9 of Pentacles

Abundance is often thought of in terms of material wealth, but it often manifests as more than mere cash flow. Consider how abundance is flowing towards you this month, and pay attention to how your decisions around this flow will help you build wealth that extends beyond monetary gain alone.



This card literally hopped out of the deck for you, Virgo! The universe is asking, begging for you to embrace playful patience and languid leisure. Works of genius are often formed in times of silence, so practice the difficult art of doing nothing.


8 of Swords

You are more than you realize, LIbra. Allow self limiting thoughts to be released and open your heart and mind to your full possibility. You are more than you ever dreamed of, and now is the time to step out of comfort towards expansive truth.


Queen of Swords

The best words are those that are contemplated before spoken. You have the power to both heal and hurt those you love, so gather more information and choose an appropriate course of action. Let your voice be a guide to those who are lost, not a mindless dictator. 


6 of Pentacles

You are uniquely positioned to lend a hand to those in need, to share your wisdom without depleting your own sense of self. Give the best that you have to offer, and reflect your own balance through how your gifts affect others.


8 of Cups

There are times when we must be willing to walk away from what we have cared about deeply. Try not to see it as a loss, but as an opportunity to adventure beyond your well charted goals and aspirations. What aspects of yourself have you neglected over the years? Revisit them and enjoy this break in the action.


The High Priestess

Analyze your inner recesses and explore your own esoteric mysteries this month, Aquarius. There is much to be gained by understanding your own impulses, and the universe is forcing you to turn within to really evaluate your normal routines. Resist the urge to remain a mystery to yourself. 


4 of Swords

This retreat from life will bring you greater clarity than you realize, Pisces. Let yourself be still and explore the treasures that lie dormant and untapped within you. When you reemerge from your hibernation, the world will welcome the gifts you have discovered.

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June 2020 Astro Poetica Tarot Poems by Christine Aprile


Fan Letter to Fiona Apple for her (Pitchfork-10/10-worthy) new album Fetch the Bolt Cutters, which I have listened to at least 75 times in Quarantine