June 2020 Astro Poetica Tarot Poems by Christine Aprile

Welcome to a month of inner journeys, turmoil, and collective reckoning. We delayed this post in lieu of the collective grief and anger around the loss of Black lives in America, a mourning and explosion of feeling that has festered and ultimately erupted into protests for justice around the world. As a healer, I felt it necessary to pause from my normally scheduled programming to focus on the voices of black healers and to help shine the collective spotlight on the necessity of our current unrest. Astrology does have many interesting things to say and it can be a beneficial tool for both protest, self care and understanding our path forward through this difficult time, so I’m sharing these poems in hope that they can soothe and nurture our weary and troubled hearts. 

With two eclipses this month, the astrological weather is anything but tame. The New Moon eclipse in Cancer on June 21st will form a quincunx to Saturn, creating tension and restrictions between what we want to do and what we need to do. Neptune will be fogging up the skies all month long, so don’t expect a clear road ahead. The tarot pulls for each sign were also very powerful, showing that we are all being shifted and called to action at this moment.

I also want to note that the United States of America as an entity is entering into a very difficult transit that no singular human being ever experiences: the Pluto return. Our first one, in fact. This is indeed a time period where we must face the shadows of our cultural ideals. While we claim to be a country that honors freedom and justice for all, in reality our nation was built upon (and still practices) enslaved labor and the continuation of discriminatory practices and brutality. Pluto is forcing us to see this again, and although the transit will not be exact until February 2021, the effects are already here. Capricorn demands that we collectively embody our ideals, or else face the very real consequences of destruction. Heavy times, indeed. So prepare yourself for the long road of healing that is before us, and remember to take care of yourself and of one another.

Now, let’s look to the stars, and cards.


The World

An entirely new way of being is about to begin for you, Aries. You’ve been creating changes in your life and existence that are truly in alignment with where you want to be. You’re about to step into a whole new chapter, so don’t be afraid to leave the last one behind.



Every hardship has a silver lining. You are being called to face the difficult tasks that have been holding you back, whether they are within or without. You have what it takes: harness your power and face the fear.


The Star

Come into your flow this month, Gemini. The universe may be speaking to you, so retreat into nature if necessary and listen to the softness of its guidance. Let the currents take you, and don’t resist the urge to purge.



Reveal yourself, dear Cancer. Reveal the wounds, the beauty, the truth and the hard to swallow facts. If there is a crack in your shell, perhaps it’s time for you to grow bigger than before. The freedom that awaits you is worth the momentarily vulnerability. 


Two of Swords

There is a fine line between self care and ignoring your issues this month Leo. You may need to withdraw and look within, but make sure you don’t completely neglect the outside world in the process.


Three of Wands

You’ve climbed your way to the top, Virgo, but now it’s time to consider which new venture is before you. Will you find a new road, or call in a journey that you put on hold while you climbed your mountain?


Page of Pentacles

Pragmatism is calling you, Libra. Focus on what is concrete and stable right now, and resist the urge to daydream your time away. Make progress that is tangible rather than whimsical, and take it one day at a time.


5 of Wands

Every action creates a reaction, and you are being called to remain in the role of activator this month. Your presence alone may galvanize a movement, or inspire others to take an active role in changing the world. Be bold, be loud.


Ace of Swords

Decisiveness can be everything. Let you voice clear you a new path, and let yourself be free from the silence that has held you in limbo. Sometimes making just the act of making a decision becomes the gateway you’ve been seeking all along.



Soon it will be time to venture forth, but for now you are being asked to remain present and relish in the peaceful moment that you are in. When we bring balance to our inner world, we are better able to navigate the challenges that appear outside of us.


Ace of Pentacles

It is time to begin. You’ve been contemplating a new way forward, and now it’s time to plant that seed and put in the work. This is the time to tend your projects, and focus on what you are physically creating.


4 of Pentacles

Be flexible with your plans this month, dear  Pisces. You’ve been ready to make some moves, but remember flexibility is a big part of stepping into a new frontier. Circumstances may ask that you deviate from your plans, so don’t hold on to tightly if you lose control.

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July 2020 Astro Poetica Tarot Poems by Christine Aprile


May 2020 Astro Poetica Tarot Poems by Christine Aprile